Today's absolutely nonsense at
FE047 | 5C04E | 15DD2 | BD5C5 | B805C |
32C05 | CDB65 | 5D944 | E5BC0 | BE5BB |
6425D | 23575 | C206B | 5307A | 96178 |
C5618 | 67D61 | 66A96 | 0E750 | 62BD9 |
5642B | 9056F | AF55B | 5C3B5 | 27332 |
6C9FB | C5C59 | 495AC | EA15C | 7B0B5 |
B8580 | 5C255 | A520A | 03612 | BB36E |
71865 | C1CBA | 51BEB | 560EB | 596 |
| | | | |
Elapsed time (in APACHE/PHP process): 8.1062316894531E-6 seconds.
It's a pure coincidence if it looks like somebody's activating code.
But if you have the time and a well programmed decipherable application,
you have a message here.
Use [nonsense.php?answer=your_guess_string] for a judgment.
Replace your_guess_string with your guessing.