How to or how did I implement Webcam functionality in Fedora 8 (linux). As root (This install process will give you all bin files) ..! Where to find the downloads? 1. Download: gspcav1-20071224. 2. Extract the files to some folder. 3. Check to see if you have your kernel-devel, SDL, SDL-devel, SDL_net, SDL_image, SDL_image-devel and libjpeg. 4. If not: install via i.e. The Yum Extender, or # yum install ... 5. Execute# ./gspca_build in that folder. 6. Download: spcagui20060127. 7. Extract the files to some folder. 8. Execute# make install in that folder. 9. Execute# updatedb -U / 10. Execute# locate spcagui (or use which). -> should return something like "/usr/local/bin/spcagui" 11. Execute# locate spcaserv -> should return something like "/usr/local/bin/spcaserv" 12. Plug in your USB Webcam and test it with ... 13. Execute# spcagui -d /dev/video0 14. Two windows will be showed on/in your desktop environment. 15. Test the cam ... 16. If you can't get rid of these two windows kill them in i.e. The System Monitor's process list -> 2 processes of spcagui, kill them if you want this. 17. Download: spcaview-20071224 and extract to some folder. 18. Execute# make in that folder. 19. Execute# make install in that folder. 20. Done! Notes: In last folder's extracted files you have a folder named "http-java-applet" in this you have files for your webserver, see the example .html file for usage. This execution string with spcaserv seems to work best, for my cam: # spcaserv -d /dev/video0 -g -f jpg -s 320x240 -w 7070 (don't forget to open TCP port 7070 for input / output) Peter Engstrom 2008-03-11 Fedora 8 + (USB) Webcam model: CN-WCAM23 (not the best one, but affordable).